April 21

Reading Journal-Lord of the Flies

In my opinion the children were a bit o relaxed because now they missed an opportunity to get rescued. One day the main character saw smoke at the horizon and I thought it was another island with civilization on it, but it was actually a boat. Already earlier I did not know why they did not make a signal to enlighten the recue fire. Therefore, they missed a big chance of to return home.
Another important point is that they were coloring themselves like Native Americans. I was trying to figure out the reason for this, but I think they just did it for fun.
In one sentence one of the children said “There isn’t no boat” and I thought he saw the boat because it cancel each other out, but he actually did not see the ship. Therefore, I am not sure if this is a type slang or a mistake in the book.previous_Lord_of_the_Flies

Posted April 21, 2015 by maxleman in category Reading Journal

1 thoughts on “Reading Journal-Lord of the Flies

  1. Mrs T

    You are clearly thinking deeply about what you are reading, Max, which is great. I’m sure it’s Piggy that says “There isn’t no boat” and you’re right, it is to characterise him as coming from a different background from the other boys: they all speak proper English, which marks them as upper class, whereas he makes mistakes, which marks him as lower class.


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