December 6

The Right to Die

The last week or two we were creating an annotated bibliography about a chosen right from the UN declaration of human rights. Because  I already talked about my annotated bibliography in my last blog posts I will introduce my new topic which we are doing I Language Arts. So we are now creating a portfolio about a right we think should be supported or should be discussed. I chose the right to die.

I think this is going to a really interesting unit involving a lot of active debates, to which I am really looking forward to. I think the topic “the right to die” should be discussed because it is a really interesting topic which has pros and cons. For some it is controversial and for some it is the addition to a happy life. Of course it depends on the nationality and belief, but in my opinion it should actually be enforced. It does not make sense to live in pain until you die or live with a mental illness, which makes you think you think that there is not purpose in live. However, it should e proven that you have the “right” to die because I read articles about Japan that people bosses would kill themselves if their business bankrupts.

This is a huge interesting topic which has defiantly the right to be discussed and thought through. I am looking forward to taking a deeper look into this topic and debate with my classmates.



Posted December 6, 2015 by maxleman in category Uncategorized

3 thoughts on “The Right to Die

  1. josiah

    why do you feel like you have the right to die. By the way I am reading your blog, it’s saying that you got a good life and that you shouldn’t give your life up just because of something really stupid like if people don’t like you, it doesn’t matter because all you should worry about is if you like yourself.


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